
Musical Box Society

Mystery musical box

tune sheet of box by unknown maker

This is an edited version of the Registrar’s response to a recent query regarding an attractive and interesting musical box:

‘I have referred [your enquiry] on to several members of The Musical Box Society of Great Britain … to help answer your question. These are our conclusions based on the evidence presented to date:

The Tune Sheet is attributed to the agent, Ernst Holzweissig of Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. Leipzig was, and still is, a long-time major centre for music and Holzweissig established his business there in 1872. Although he termed this business as “manufacturers” this term should be taken loosely. It was a common practice at the time to offer goods from other makers, or to assemble parts made elsewhere, and sell them under one’s own label as the genuine maker.

[Your] musical box serial #5809 is somewhat of mystery. It has features that either pre-date 1872 or were discontinued shortly afterwards. These features are listed by the late Arthur Ord-Hume in his book, “The Musical Box – A Guide for Collectors”, based upon research carried out by former members …

Based on Ord-Hume’s list of dated features we believe your box to date to the late 1850’s, and that the movement is still in its original case.

As it is a box of features that conflict with it having been sold, apparently as new sometime after 1872, we are left with the conclusion that for some reason Ernst Holzweissig had in his stock a musical box that was over 10-15 years old when he opened his business or sometime thereafter.

None of the foregoing has led to a positive identification of a maker.  The only possibility, according to Maker Dating Charts built by the late Anthony Bulleid and published in his work “Musical Box Tune Sheets” is Theodore  Greiner, a maker working in Geneva in the late 1850’s.  However, at present no physical features have been identified on your box that can be said to support such an attribution.’

If you have a query about a box which you think one of our experts can help you with, don’t hesitate to get in touch. The answer in full to this particular request, along with images of the box itself, will be found in our magazine The Music Box, Vol 3 number 7, available free to members or to buy from our shop.

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